类vs数据结构 2022-06-25
很多人根据数据结构的定义:"Data structure is a storage that is used to store and organize data. It is a way of arranging data on a computer so that it can be accessed and updated efficiently. Depending on your requirement and project, it is important to choose the right data structure for your project. "觉得类当然也是一种数据结构,因为符合定义中提到的行为。然而,经过一番查资料外加看了下经典clean coder blog的描述,发现事情没这么简单。
According to that, you can use classes efficiently in two different ways. This phenomenon is called data/object anti-symmetry. Depending on your goals, you have to decide whether your classes will follow the open/closed principle or not.
If they follow the OCP, they will be polymorph, and their instances will be used as objects. So they will hide data and implementation of a common interface, and it will be easy to add a new type which implements that interface as well. Most of the design patterns fulfill the OCP, for example MVC, IoC, every wrapper, adapter, etc...
If they don't follow the OCP, they won't be polymorph, their instances will be used as data structures. So they will expose data, and that data will be manipulated by other classes. This is a typical approach by procedural programming as well. There are several examples which don't use OCP, for example DTOs, Exceptions, config objects, visitor pattern etc...
关键还是要看“ 看你抽象了多少、抽象层级、想要对外暴露什么”,并且分析的角度也不同。
OK, so let me see if I can wrap this up. Classes and Data Structures are opposites in at least three different ways.
Classes make functions visible while keeping data implied. Data structures make data visible while keeping functions implied.
Classes make it easy to add types but hard to add functions. Data structures make it easy to add functions but hard to add types.
Data Structures expose callers to recompilation and redeployment. Classes isolate callers from recompilation and redeployment.
You got it. These are issues that every good software designer and architect needs to keep in mind.
An abstract data type (ADT) is a specification of the desired behaviour from the point of view of the user of the data.
A data structure is a concrete representation of data, and this is from the point of view of an implementer, not a user.